Monday, August 13, 2007

No Blood No Beer: Go Thermal or Make Love Alone

Way back when, long before the internet made music criticism accessible at hyperspeed, I spent a great deal of time reading the Trouser Press, reading those entries marked by the book's editor [iar] with particular interest. It was meaningful then, educating me about bands like the Virgin Prunes (trivial, but what a name!) or helping me decide which Cocteau Twins LP I should spend my limited income on.

But the site has new meaning for me today since I have recently completed an entry on the Thermals, one of my favorite bands. I had help and encouragement from some great friends with eagle eyes, and yet I don't think I have ever troubled over 800 words so much in my life. (Update: forgot to link to it directly -- find it here.)

And, there's another Venuszine review up too, right over here.


JSE said...


That said, I like the Blow and Voxtrot more than the Thermals! I think I must be poppist.

Anonymous said...

perhaps you can review a little band known as Let's French for the or the or whatever .com you have in your favo's. if not you will be demoted from favo's to huevo's. look it up, beeyatch. or ask duster von oliveoil. or whatever her name is.
R to the C
p.s. i'm lonely!