Thursday, March 26, 2009

Am I glad today is almost over!

1. Forgot to set my alarm. Not a great way to start the day.

2. Cary left for a camping trip with his friends today. There's no school for Henry tomorrow, so I'm dreading this particular long weekend more than usual.

3. Henry got off the bus with a hang dog look. Five kids on the bus had been hassling him. One of whom is a repeat offender by anyone's definition. I don't understand why the school doesn't do more to intervene. I just got off the phone with the vice-principal and was told the repeat offender would likely spend two weeks in the front seat, at which point he will resume hassling my son again.

4. I spent the afternoon driving across town to take Henry to a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese's, but at least I didn't have to stay for the party, or drag Lucy with me.

5. But here's the kicker: I spent two hours on the phone with my insurance company, pharmacy provider, and doctor's office trying to establish whether my insurance covers a medication. All three places told me something different, and the doctor's office would not believe me when I said I had coverage. This has been going on for about a month. I finally got the insurance company to call the doctor's office while I was on the line, and they agree to believe me, but reminded me that "all charges are still my responsibility" if and when the insurer doesn't pay them. Thank god this wasn't a life or death decision because I would be dead by now.


Maura Smale said...

We had bus issues today too, though more with the driver than other kids. Strange bad bus karma day!

Lumpyheadsmom said...

We went to our first Chuck E Cheese party a couple of weeks ago. The kids had a blast. We did not. At least they serve beer at Chuck E Cheese, even if it's sucky beer.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Lumpyheadsmom.....nothing like letting a life size rat scare the crap out of your kid and them into years of therapy while mom and dad look on with a good buzz

Em said...

Ha Ha! Henry is totally afraid of Chuck E. Cheese. "I'm not going to hug him; he's just a stranger in a Chuck E costume."

kagemom69 said...

Smart kid that Henry....and Chuck probably smells like stale beer and B.O. anyway....