Friday, November 14, 2008

Why is it always a mixed bag?

Henry had a pal from school over, and it went really, really well. The kid was fun to have around, and got us all out of the gloomy pissiness that seems to infect the family when we spend too much time together.

That was the bright spot. I was feeling good because I'd called a mom of a kid that I didn't know and no blood was spilled. Lucy cried so hard because she didn't have "anyone from outside this house" to play with, but she survived once we broke out the model magic clay.

Cary came home with a grin from ear to ear. He'd upgraded out TiVo without asking first. What he didn't know was that a) I'm still recovering from the TiVo impersonators and the techno-fear they instilled in me and b) my parents have this newer TiVo and it's a pain in the ass c) we will get fewer channels than we do now for the same $$. It's reasonable to suggest that he should have known all three facts. BUT, he was trying to do good. AND there is a chance it will all work out. I wash my hands of the entire process starting ... Now!


Anonymous said...

Remember, you can't control others -only how you react to them - washing your hands of it is a good idea

Maura Smale said...

Yay for a good playdate! We have had some stinkers, ourselves, so when one goes well (and they actually entertain themselves rather than require entertainment) it's always cause for celebration.

Andy Fenwick said...

i'm starting to see the glory of an excellent playdate - had a bad one today: our wee guest threw our placemats everywhere and was unresponsive, ate some dishwasher detergent, cried for food after lunch was already fed to him and, worst of all, his mother was here, too.

Anonymous said...

Ah the joys of modeling clay.

Anonymous said...

i heard from your husband that it had, in fact, all worked out. you are a lucky woman.