Saturday, March 13, 2010

It's not that things have stopped going wrong...

Why just last week I had pink eye. Then Henry threw up at school three times in four days at school, so he and I got to spend some quality time together when he was recuperating.

Why don't I blog any more?

I have been reading more books and trying to stay off of the computer. Jasper Fforde, Alan Bradley, and Greg Mortenson have been keeping me busy.

Sharing my kids issues isn't quite as cute now that they are a little older and Henry can actually read. I feel more like I might be violating their privacy.

Plus I am absolutely no closer to knowing what I want to be when I grow up. But I'm happy with my jobby, and don't have much motivation to look for something more substantial.

I have yet to have one single day where I feel bored while the kids are at school. Usually I am busy down til 2:29 when I gasp, grab my coat, and rush out to meet the bus.


Maura Smale said...

I know, it's funny, sometimes Gus comes up to the computer and reads what I'm writing out loud, which is really weird.

I sometimes feel like I need to spend less time on the computer, but I think what I really mean is less time on the internet. More time writing would be good for me. Which I think is why I'm still blogging, because it helps me stay writing. But you write a lot even without the blog!

kagemom69 said...

Keep blogging - it's good for the soul! I don't believe that you are violating their privacy -this is a way to document their childhood, these are the things that someday you will want to look back on and remember.